A Message From The Irwin Family

The CARE housing society has been an outstanding society for our daughter Michelle. Michelle has Cornelia DeLange Syndrome with many strengths along with her limitations. She requires 24 hour care and is at her best when she is safe, involved, and living her best life.

The CARE housing society is a non-profit organization governed by a board that includes families and community members. CARE is family driven, and ensures all homes are affordable, safe, maintained and suitable to the needs of those who reside in these homes. Michelle lives in her own home called MiPlace of Care and Hope with roommates specially matched for her. This home provides the space for her and her roommates to live their lives with staffing supports provided by MirkaCare services.

What the CARE housing society has done for our family: It gave us all a peace of mind to live our lives. Michelle lives independently in her community as do all of her family members. Having a child with a disability brings added challenges and the same wants any parent has for their children. The CARE housing society is not only a gift for our daughter Michelle, but for her entire network of people who have loved and supported her throughout her lifetime.

Michelle is happy, she knows this is her home, she loves being involved and engaged and ultimately is very content. As a parent making the choice to move Michelle out of our home, this alone was one of the biggest and hardest decisions we had to make. Through this journey the Care Housing Society became part of our family. Knowing what we know now, it was the right choice.

Thank you CARE for ensuring our daughter Michelle has a safe, affordable and inclusive home she can call her own for her lifetime. We are forever grateful. — The Irwin Family