Grey Cup Pool Tickets 2023
Grey Cup Pool Tickets are on sale now and only $2 each.
All funds raised will support us on our journey to build House Four.
If your ticket lists the actual final score, you win a prize of $350! There is also an opportunity to win $200 if your ticket has the correct score at the end of each quarter, or if your ticket lists the reverse score, there is a prize of $50.
Prizes – Total Value $1,000
1st, 2nd, and 3rd Quarters - $200 each
Final Score - $350
Reverse Final Score - $50
Marty Cender & Cathy Furtak are the contacts for this fundraiser and can be reached by email at:
Marty Cender -
Cathy Furtak -
A total of 2500 tickets have been printed under AGLC License 654792. Tickets are only available for purchase in Alberta.
Stawnichy's Thanksgiving 2023
CARE is once again partnering with Stawnichy's Mundare Sausage to offer you a wide selection of products just in time for Thanksgiving.
All orders must be received by Friday September 15th. This fundraiser is a great opportunity to help raise funds for House # 4 as well as feed your family and friends with delicious food! Our goal is to have the order ready for pick up just before the Thanksgiving holiday weekend.
Click HERE to download your order form. Complete your form and send to Dalayce at:
Dalayce will be accepting e-transfer payments for orders at:
If you have any questions, please reach out to
CARE Casino Fundraiser 2020
Due to the COVID pandemic our casino was delayed but has now been rescheduled for November 24 & 25, 2020. This is a major fundraiser for our society. Money raised is used to build and maintain CARE homes. We are currently seeking volunteers.
Things will be a little bit different at this Casino due to pandemic. There will be less volunteers on each shift and some positions have been combined. As well there will be precautions in place. Masks will be mandatory, gloves are optional and hand sanitizer will be readily available.
The following positions are required:
The General Manager/Banker will be one person per shift doing both jobs.
The Cashier/Chip Runner will be two people per shift, during the shift both people will be doing both jobs.
Count Room will have a Supervisor plus three Count Room Workers for a total of four per evening.
There will be at least three spares per day, one for day shift, one for night shift and one for count room. The spares will need to be available throughout the shift to come at any time if needed.
Please contact us if you would like to volunteer, noting which positions and shifts you would be interested in working. If you are unsure and just want to volunteer, either indicate no preference or contact us for more information. If you have any family or friends that might be interested in helping us out please pass this information along.
Thank you so much for volunteering for our past casinos! Without volunteers like you, we would not be able to accomplish all that we do.
2020 CARE Housing Society AGM
Notice of the CARE Housing Society Annual General Meeting
November 5, 2020
7:00 p.m.
The meeting will be held virtually using the Zoom meeting platform. Zoom is easily accessed through your personal computer, tablet or smartphone.
Members are asked to confirm their attendance. Once confirmed, CARE will provide detailed instructions and the link to join the meeting along with relevant documents for discussion.
For security reasons we will only be sending the meeting invitation to those who indicate they will be participating.
Edmonton Comedy Festival
Come see a great comedy show on October 18th! All proceeds go directly to CARE when you buy a ticket from the CARE Housing Society to this exciting event!
Fundraiser at Pub 1905
Join us on Friday, September 13th at 5:00pm for our 2019 Fall Pub Night Fundraiser! We’re hard at work on House 4 and need your help to make it happen.
Grey Cup Pool Tickets 2019
Grey Cup Pool Tickets are only $2 each and all funds raised will support us on our journey to build House Four. If your ticket lists the actual final score, you win a prize of $350! There is also an opportunity to win $250 if your ticket has the correct score at the end of each quarter, or if your ticket lists the reverse score, there is a prize of $50.
2019 CARE Housing Society AGM
Our 2019 AGM is coming up! In addition to presenting our financial statements, 2018 accomplishments, and plans for 2019, we will also be voting in new board members. and revealing our new branding, website, and updated vision, mission, and values.
Grey Cup Pool Tickets 2018
Grey Cup Pool Tickets are only $2 each and all funds raised will support us on our journey to build House Four. If your ticket lists the actual final score, you win a prize of $350! There is also an opportunity to win $250 if your ticket has the correct score at the end of each quarter, or if your ticket lists the reverse score, there is a prize of $50.
CARE Casino Fundraiser 2018
It’s casino time! Thank you very much to all of your volunteers for being so generous with their time!
2018 CARE Housing Society AGM
It’s that time of year again! Come join us for our Annual General Meeting at the Elves Special Needs Society (use the far Southeast entrance please) to vote in new board members and go over the past 12 months of CARE work. Coffee, water, and light refreshments will be available. Remember to bring your membership form and $5.00 if you haven’t sent that in already please!
Grey Cup Pool Tickets 2017
Grey Cup Pool Tickets are only $2 each and all funds raised will support us on our journey to build House Four. If your ticket lists the actual final score, you win a prize of $350! There is also an opportunity to win $250 if your ticket has the correct score at the end of each quarter, or if your ticket lists the reverse score, there is a prize of $50.