Thank You For Your Ongoing Support

The past year has certainly been challenging for us all and we hope this message finds you in good spirits and health! In spite of the COVID-19 pandemic, we’re fortunate to be in a situation where we are able to continue to support our residents with safe, happy, and stimulating environments. In times like this, we’re reminded of how interconnected we all are. Thank you for being part of our community. 

We continue to be grateful to our members and supporters of CARE who continue to support the Society.  In particular we wish to extend our appreciation to the health care professionals supporting the residents in our homes employed through Catholic Social Services and MirkaCare. They have gone above and beyond to ensure that not only are residents protected from environmental elements that may affect their health but that they remain engaged in activities inside the homes now that outside activities have been placed on hold. 

It is our hope that the coming year will bring new beginnings for CARE as we celebrate 30 years of providing accessible homes to meet the unique needs of our residents. We have been working on new methods of fundraising and expanding our social media presence. We have also established new committees in the areas of finance, grants and safety. If you are interested in these areas or know of someone who might be interested we would love to hear from you. We can never have enough volunteers and participating on a committee is a great way to contribute knowledge and gain experience.

Stay safe and well.

Society NewsPenny Blackley